My Kids Are Asleep

My Mom Mind Is Total Chaos & I Guess That’s Permanent?

My mind is total chaos. It’s such chaos that my notes app just suggested I change the wording to “my mind is in total chaos,” but I don’t think that’s right: it. just. is. total. chaos.  I’m having one of those mom weeks where I feel stressed and kind of overwhelmed and I don’t know… Continue reading My Mom Mind Is Total Chaos & I Guess That’s Permanent?

Rookie Plane Mistake: What Happened When I Forgot to Pack Clothes in Our Carry-On Bags

Welp, we got home from a family trip last night. It was our third trip flying with two kids, so you’d think we’d sort of have it down by now, right? As every parent everywhere knows: Wrong.  Does there ever come a time when you’ve got it down? Maybe eventually, when the kids are like… Continue reading Rookie Plane Mistake: What Happened When I Forgot to Pack Clothes in Our Carry-On Bags

How to Unwind After 8 Long Hours at Daycare

Ah, what a nice way to unwind. Kick back on the couch after a long day, flip on the TV, take off your shoes, and crack open a cold bottle of … milk.  That’s what I thought Miles wanted to do when he got home from daycare today. We walked into the house and he… Continue reading How to Unwind After 8 Long Hours at Daycare

6 Things That Have Made My Toddler Mad Today

It’s been a tough morning in my household. My two year old woke up angry and he’s been raging ever since. As I write this, I’m sitting in the car with him and his baby sister strapped into the backseat, getting ready to take them to daycare (THANK GOD). Miles, the two year old, is… Continue reading 6 Things That Have Made My Toddler Mad Today

Is It Possible I’m Taking This Parenting Thing Too Seriously?

The beginning of this is going to sound basic so BEAR WITH ME. The other day I was doing a 20-minute (aka mom-length) Peloton ride when I noticed someone’s hashtag thingy. If you don’t know Peloton, you can look at a leaderboard that shows the other people doing the ride, and people have the option… Continue reading Is It Possible I’m Taking This Parenting Thing Too Seriously?

I’ve Created a Monster. A Very Cute, Lovable Monster.

I never truly understood the term ‘“I’ve created a monster” until I had children. More specifically, I never understood it until my son turned about 18 months old and turned into, well, a monster. (A very sweet, wonderful, adorable monster who I love with all my heart BUT YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN.) The thought… Continue reading I’ve Created a Monster. A Very Cute, Lovable Monster.

Being With Your Kids Is Fun (Sometimes). So Is Being Away From Them.

All I want is a few free hours away from my kids. Wait, actually I don’t want to be away from them because I’ll miss them. …But wouldn’t it be nice to have like half a day or maybe even a WHOLE day when you’re not working and also not running after a toddler and… Continue reading Being With Your Kids Is Fun (Sometimes). So Is Being Away From Them.

Changing Diapers Is the Easy Part, and Other Lessons I’ve Learned From Motherhood

I’ve been a mother for about 10 seconds (actually 2 years, 1 month, 11 days and 10 hours but WHO’S COUNTING) and I am a total and complete novice. But here are some of the things I have learned in my short time as a mom:  Lift with your legs. Clipping fingernails is way more… Continue reading Changing Diapers Is the Easy Part, and Other Lessons I’ve Learned From Motherhood

Your Life Doesn’t Start Until You Have Kids & Also Life As You Know It Is Over When You Have Kids

A note about this post: This is one of those times when I feel like what I’m writing is so ridiculously obvious that I’m not sure why I’m even writing it. But I guess that’s the point of this whole thing—to discuss things a lot of moms think & feel but don’t often put out… Continue reading Your Life Doesn’t Start Until You Have Kids & Also Life As You Know It Is Over When You Have Kids

Baby Sleep: Some Mixed Messages I’ve Learned From the Internet

We’re having some baby sleep issues around here … and in one of those “of course this is happening now” situations, we’re also having some toddler sleep issues.  Linnea just turned six months old, and her sleeping is a little erratic. We’re having trouble getting her on a sleep schedule because … well, to be… Continue reading Baby Sleep: Some Mixed Messages I’ve Learned From the Internet